
Happy Holidays from the Monday Missive

As 2008 comes to a close, the Monday Missive wishes you and yours the happiest of holidays. When the Missive began, two years ago this month, our goal was to learn and to share that with others. We hope that you find some measure of insight and inspiration from these messages. And we thank you for inspiring us in return.

Happy Holidays from our family to yours.

Once again, the Monday Missive presents our Holiday gift to you - the most rockin' digital holiday cards from around the Net. Enjoy. (Please send us any that you are think are totally amazing. We're collectors. But don't send us anything lame. Or we will FedEx you a lump of coal.)

http://fl-2.com/giftofcode/index.aspx (Via the Denver Egotist - who you should read cause they totally rock.) Site takes a while to load but your patience will be rewarded. Crank the sound - it's groovy.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgBUqJzgvBo One word: Awesome.

http://andrewhoffmandesign.com/egotistholiday/ Note the subtle colour boxes. Yes, go on .... from left to right ...

http://liquidgivesagoat.com/ Despite the recession, Liquid is still hiring. Unfortunately, these candidates just didn't work out.

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