
The Moment of Silence

Say you're in a room full of people. Everyone is talking at once. You've got something important to say but no one can hear you. An 800-lb gorilla steps into the room and everyone falls silent, afraid to speak. But you stand on a chair, point to the back door, and shout: "Hey! There's a way out." Everyone hears you and they safely exit the room.

It's the same with Brand. Don't talk when everyone else is. Have something of relevance to say. And take advantage of the moment of silence when it arrives. (Hint: That moment is here.)

The Economist explains with pretty pictures. Of course, this doesn't just work with print advertising. This relates to all marketing-related tactics: online, social media, brand building, etc. (Please forward this post to anyone you know who cares about business development, marketing, or industry leadership. Please Twitter, Facebook, or share via flattened dead trees. (Via Brand Flakes for Breakfast.)

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