
Hire Me HeadBlade

Today’s Missive is about a lot of things. It’s about shaved heads. It’s about social media. It’s about a man on a quest for his dream job. But mostly it’s about passion. And putting ourselves out there to realize a dream.

Once upon a time, there was guy called Eric Romer. Eric shaved his head. He loved that clean scalp look. And he used products by HeadBlade to keep him nick-free. He was a fan.

On Twitter, Eric heard that HeadBlade was looking for an Interactive/Social Media Manager. He wanted this job. He dreamed about this job. And he was determined to get it. But how to stand out of the pack?

So, Eric started a campaign. HireMeHeadBlade.com, @hiremeheadblade, www.youtube.com/user/HireMeHeadBlade, hiremeheadblade@gmail.com, and his Facebook fan page were born.

The buzz exploded. Including this one on Twitter:

@HeadBlade If you don’t hire @HireMeHeadBlade, you’re nuts. He’s already executed a social media campaign for you. FREE.

He got a call from HeadBlade for an interview. In ONE DAY. That’s right. From the time he saw the job posting, through development of his campaign, to the huge social media buzz that prompted HeadBlade to actually call this guy – 8 hours. A mere 24 hours later, he was on the phone interviewing with the CEO.

And, in case you’re wondering – yes, he got the job.

So what’s the moral of this story? The moral is: You need to care. And commit to being something great. You can’t just throw a resume together and expect to get hired. You can’t just show up at work, slog through your day, and expect to get a raise and a bonus.

You need to be passionate about what you do. Whether it’s chasing an uber-cool new job or making the job you already have totally amazing, be fierce in your commitment to getting what you want. Do what it takes, even if that means colouring outside the lines. It will change your life.